Friday, July 3, 2009


We in Mary and Christ are a family!

The twenty students, moderators and Marianist Brothers that attended Life Teen this year were able to share moments of quiet reflection and prayer each day. On the lawns of the Notre Dame campus, journal writing became a key part of the spiritual dimension of the week.
On Wednesday, the 500 or so students joined together with the Holy Cross Fathers to recite the Rosary at the Grotto. It became so easy to pray with the support and the presence of the entire Life Teen program. But it was an awe-inspiring experience to share these moments of prayer in the presence of the Grotto. Here in the sight of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but secluded with the statues of Bernadette and Our Lady we poured out our hearts in prayer.
May the Immaculate Virgin Mary be praised and adored in all places! Amen.