The father in this short film is the Father of us all - it is never too late to receive his blessing: we are his beloved; he delights in us; in each of us he is well pleased...
This week is National Vocation Awareness Week. Pray for vocations!
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
"They [religious] live more purely, they fall more rarely, they rise more speedily, they are aided more powerfully, they live more peacefully, they die more securely, and they are rewarded more abundantly."
Lord Jesus,
please grant to me the grace to know my true vocation.
In Baptism I was signed in your name
and have grown to share in the work of bringing the Father's love to our world.
May I respond to the special life's work to which You are calling me.
I ask that many will hear the particular call to serve in the Church
as priests, religious and consecrated lay people.
To whatever You ask of me,
may I freely, courageously and lovingly respond.