Monday, January 10, 2011

24 Hours with the Lord

Throughout the year the Marianists of the Province of Meribah offer countless retreats to faculty, students, and parents. A few times a year we offer opportunities for spritual nourishment for young graduates who are interested in exploring the spiritual. On January 4-5 we offered a College Age Retreat - 24 Hours with the Lord at the Meribah Retreat House in Muttontown, NY.

This spiritual retreat gave the opportunity to join our Community in the chapel for the celebration of the liturgy and Eucharistic Adoration; in addition to some conferences there is time for personal prayer and reflection and opportunity to talk with the Marianists and each other.
Above, Brother Peter gives one of the presentations in the Meribah lounge.

The retreatants greeted the day with Morning Prayer in the Chapel.

Above, Father Thomas offers ideas for reflection about prayer.

The College Age Retreat gathered together graduates from both Marianist high schools.

Both tables were the focal point of the retreat: the table of the spiritual food(altar) and the tabel of physical food(dining table.)

As a final thought, listen to this beautiful promise from the Lord from Psalm 32 - “I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.” God promises to not only remain with us and watch over us throughout our lifetimes, but God promises to direct us as well along this journey we call life with all of its challenges and surprises, its opportunities and disappointments, its sad times and blessings. But through it all – God remains with us and for us and in our last days will lead us home.