Pope Benedict reminds us that we are all called to be holy. We are all called by Christ to become Saints.
“What does it mean to be saints? Who is called to be a saint? Often it is thought that holiness is a goal reserved for a few chosen ones. St. Paul, however, speaks of God’s great plan and affirms: “[God] chose us in him [Christ], before the foundation of the world, to be holy and without blemish before him. In love he destined us” (Ephesians 1:4). And he speaks of all of us. At the center of the divine design is Christ, in whom God shows his Face: the Mystery hidden in the centuries has been revealed in the fullness of the Word made flesh. And Paul says afterward: “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” (Colossians 1:19). In Christ the living God has made himself close, visible, audible, tangible so that all can obtain his fullness of grace and truth (cf. John 1:14-16).”
Pope Benedict has a three-step plan:
1. Meet Jesus in the Eucharist every Sunday.
2. Begin and end every day with at least a brief prayer.
3. Keep the ten commandments which gives us the definition of Agape love (charity, sacrificial love)