So, have you started a conversation with Jesus yet? Ask Jesus a simple question, "what do you want me to do?
Jesus asked his Father that very question at the end of His life. And that's what we remember and celebrate during Holy Week. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus has a choice to make. Either He can continue living a human life...or he can give it up, he can hand it over in death. And that is what he chooses. But why?
Marianist high school students visited the elderly at Queen of Peace Residence in Queens Village. |
Fundamentally, because Jesus knows how much all of humanity has suffered and is destined to eternal death because of our out-of-control craving to be cool. It all began in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve when they thought they could be cool as God. So, they ate the fruit from the forbidden tree. And that pattern of disaster has persisted throughout the entire history of human sin. Every personal choice for sin is a futile attempt to find satisfaction on our own part from God. And it is always dooms us to unbearable, tortuous unhappiness. We cannot find happiness in that kind of coolness.