An Evening of
Spiritual Refreshment at Fordham University
hosted by Bro. Stephen Balletta and Bro. Peter Heiskell from Chaminade High School and Bro. Timothy Driscoll from Kellenberg Memorial High School
Here are the details:
Wednesday, November 30, 2011What?
5:30 p.m. Dealy Hall Chapel
5:30 p.m. Dealy Hall Chapel
6:30 p.m. Student Social Lounge of the McGinley Center
Spiritual Sharing
8:00 p.m. Student Social Lounge of the McGinley Center
Praise and Worship
9:00 p.m. Our Lady’s Chapel in the basement of the University Church
All graduates of Chaminade and Kellenberg Memorial are welcome, as well as anyone else interested in some spiritual refreshment. Bring a friend! Better yet, bring several friends!!!!
If you can let us know in advance if you are planning to attend – and if you are bringing some others along – that would be great. Email Bro. Stephen at
But if you just show up, that’s great too. And feel free to come for any part of the program that matches your schedule.