Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Marianist Graduations - 2012

Over the last few weeks all of our schools have celebrated their graduation exercises.

We live in a world that is focused on graduating.

Success and achievement is measured by graduation – not just from school but from events and experiences and relationships. We are very often focused on the goal line, the end result. 

We press on through events and life to get to the completion of whatever task is before us. We live to graduate.

When each of our students enter their respective schools we encourage them "to step into the boat." Step into the school environment with your whole body, heart and soul. 

Don't just put one foot in because the boat will wobble. Put your whole self in the boat for the years you are in our Marianist school.

Jesus wants to get into your boat.

He wants to be invited to come into our boats and teach us new things. But there needs to be an openness, a vulnerabilty, a faith that believes that God will never harm us. 

He will never throw you into the deep end without making sure you can stay afloat.