Monday, June 11, 2012

Marianist Monday

The life and mission of our community find their source and summit in the liturgy.

Made a priestly people through Baptism, we celebrate the mysteries of Christ in the course of the liturgical year.

Present in word and sacrament,
Christ unites us with his perfect praise of the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit,
to bring the human race to holiness.

The celebration of the Eucharist,
which renews our share in the paschal mystery,
is central in our daily life.
Each time we take part in the Eucharist,
we give thanks to the Father
in union with Christ.
Sharing together the bread of life
and the cup of salvation,
we form a single body.
Thus our work and rest, our trials and joys - everything in our lives -
becomes a spiritual sacrifice, pleasing to God.

Every morning and evening
in the Liturgy of the Hours
we join the Church in its unending rhythm of praise and supplication.

Praying in the words of Scriptires,
we enter into the longing and searchingof God's people throughout all ages.