Monday, February 4, 2013

Marianist Monday

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade's burial site
All our efforts, all our trials and all
our struggles must be directed
toward the purification of the heart 
through faith. This is really the 
whole purpose of Christianisty. For, 
to have a pure heart is to love God
alone, seek him alone, and to
strive towards him with all our 
energies. It is to avoid sin and even
the semblance of sin. It is to 
observe the laws of God, to fear his 
justice and to adore his sovereign 
will. To have a pure heart is, in a 
word, to practice faith and to profit 
from the lessons which faith teaches.
Clearly therefore, the faith 
which is God-revealing is
necessarily on which purifies the

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade
Method of Prayer on the Creed