Jesus entered the city on a donkey, and a borrowed one!
A political leader would have been surrounded by security guards who would have kept crowds from close physical contact to prevent any personal harm to him...
Jesus was surrounded by his disciples representing many walks of life and rode into the midst of the people, almost at their height.
A military leader would have galloped along the road, passing the crowds with perhaps a wave of the hand or a nod of the head if there were any recognition at all...
Jesus on a donkey moved slowly with the people, accompanying the people, as well as accompanied by the people.
A religious leader in traditional, appropriate priestly robes would have moved sedately through the crowds surrounded by an orderly contingency of other religious leaders who would've prevented anyone who was unclean from touching him...
Jesus, dressed in his usual attire, moved humbly through the crowds, surrounded by his diverse band of disciples, not shrinking from the touch of anyone."
-Ruth Daugherty