Friday, November 22, 2013


I needed an oil change yesterday, Lord,
and at the last minute I changed my mind
and went to a local service station
instead of Jiffy Lube...

Or was it you, your Spirit,
who changed my mind?

While I waited for my car to be done
I had an extraordinary conversation there
with someone I'd only said hello to before...

We spoke of you in our lives,
of grace and temptation,
of religious experience and prayer
and of struggling to live
as you call us to live...

More than an oil change, Lord,
it was an exchange of faith:
delightful and unexpected,
a gift from your heart...

Attune me to your Spirit's whispers, Lord,
and change my plans as you know best
and open me
to the surprising ways
you seek to meet me every day...


H/T A Concord Pastor