It's the season, the time, to wait for the Lord...
Could it be that the Lord is waiting for me?
Are you waiting for me, Lord?
Is there something you're waiting for me to do?
something you're waiting for me to hear?
something you're waiting for me to see?
something you're waiting for me to say?
Is there a truth your waiting for me to discover?
faith you're waiting for me to grow in?
hope you're waiting for me to trust?
Is there someone you're waiting for me to love?
someone you're waiting for me to forgive?
someone you're waiting for me to help?
Are there favors you're waiting for me to receive?
gifts you're waiting for me to use?
talent you're waiting for me to share?
Have I faults you're waiting for me to acknowledge?
sins you're waiting for me to face?
pardon you're waiting for me to seek?
Is there someone you're waiting for me to let go?
a grudge or resentment I need to shake off?
habits you're waiting for me to change?
Is there a challenge you're waiting for me to accept?
a change you're waiting for me to make?
a path you're waiting for me to walk?
Are there blessings you're waiting for me to receive?
truth you're waiting for me to take in?
grace you're waiting for me grasp?
Are you waiting for me to draw closer to you?
waiting for me to be faithful in prayer
in the morning? the evening? on Sundays?
In many ways, Lord (and in some I don't know)
I'm waiting for you and your love:
help me know all the ways you're waiting for me...
H/T A Concord Pastor Comments