(This stained glass window sits in the lobby of Kellenberg Memorial)
In our Communities, the birthday of every Brother merits a celebration.
The Brothers gather to wish congratulations and best wishes.
There are cards, a favorite meal, song, candles, cake and even balloons on occasion.
So, it is for the people of God and Mary.
We offer the following prayer in Mary's honor today:
Father of mercy,
give your people help and strength from heaven.
The birth of the Virgin Mary's Son was the dawn of our salvation.
May this celebration of her birthday
bring us closer to lasting peace.
Grant this though our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We celebrate the following Anniversaries of Marianist first profession of vows:
Father Philip - 1954
61 years
Father Ernest - 1956
59 years
Brother Lawrence - 1958
57 years
He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it ...