Pope Francis has declared 2016 to be a Jubilee Year of Mercy.
As a papal society, Catholic Extension is organizing a national Year of Mercy prayer during Lent, and we want you to share your prayer intentions. Use your phone to take a short video (about 10 seconds) of yourself stating a simple intention followed by “Lord, have mercy.” Example: For all those serving in the military. Lord, have mercy.
Send the brief video to socialmedia@catholicextension.org and we will add it to our prayer.
Your intention can be as general or specific as you would like, but please remember that it will be made public and posted online as a part of our prayer.
One of the Catholic Church’s Spiritual Works of Mercy is to pray for the living and the dead, which is an easy and powerful way to participate in the Year of Mercy.
Send in your intention and spread the word to your family, friends and parish. You can also post your intention on social media and see other intentions using the hashtag #MercyPrayer.
The final video prayer and full list of intentions will be posted on our website and social media on Divine Mercy Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter.