This weekend brings us to the Third Sunday of Easter.
The first reading each Sunday in the Easter season is taken from the Acts of the Apostles. This week's passage paints a picture of the consequences of "preaching in that name," the name of Jesus. This lectionary text omits some verses and you might want to read the more complete text.
Lost in a deep mystical experience, John's words in the second reading, taken from Revelation, give us an image of the heavenly liturgy. It's possible that some of the hymnody at Mass this Sunday will quote from this Scripture about "the Lamb that was slain."
The Gospel comes in a longer and shorter form. The longer version tells the story of Jesus preparing breakfast on the shore while the disciples go fishing and includes the dialogue between Jesus and Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?"
How wonderful would that be, to have breakfast with Jesus on the shore?
The first reading each Sunday in the Easter season is taken from the Acts of the Apostles. This week's passage paints a picture of the consequences of "preaching in that name," the name of Jesus. This lectionary text omits some verses and you might want to read the more complete text.
Lost in a deep mystical experience, John's words in the second reading, taken from Revelation, give us an image of the heavenly liturgy. It's possible that some of the hymnody at Mass this Sunday will quote from this Scripture about "the Lamb that was slain."
The Gospel comes in a longer and shorter form. The longer version tells the story of Jesus preparing breakfast on the shore while the disciples go fishing and includes the dialogue between Jesus and Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?"
How wonderful would that be, to have breakfast with Jesus on the shore?