Wednesday, June 3, 2020



Almighty God and Father,
You came to dwell among us

in your Son, Jesus Christ,
who died for our sins
and was raised from the dead
so we too may walk in newness of life.

In your Holy Spirit,
which he breathed on his disciples,
we were sealed at baptism;
and he promised this Advocate
will remain with us always.

We know that this is true
in the Eucharist and in all your sacraments,
as well as in Scripture,
the life and tradition of the Church,
and within disposed and prayerful hearts.

Still, we often forget all this.
We are fearful, doubtful, anxious,
and are frequently led astray.
Please forgive us,
and guide us along the right way.

One God in Three Persons,
help us to remember
that you are with us always,
and to cast out fear with love,
doubt with faith, and anxiety with hope.

You who give
life and breath and all things,
as we seek you in this valley of tears
help us to be aware
that you are always near us.

In you alone
we live and move
and have our being.

-- Br. Francis